Tuesday 29 September 2015

So what's the deal with Intense Pulsed Light?

Hi - I'm De!

I'm starting this blog to let you know about IPL in Perth. I own Refresh Face and Skin Rejuvenation -an IPL Clinic in Perth- (In Applecross - in Jooj), so I figured this might be a nice way for you to learn about IPL if you are looking into it.

I always offer a free consultation and test patch. If you are not at that stage yet, and just want information, I hope to make this your "one stop shop" for information!

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, works by using a broad spectrum of light. That means it uses lots of colors of light. Remember in grade school - or was it later? - when you put something black and something white out in the sunlight, and the darker one attracted more heat? IPL works the same way.

There are different settings in the IPL Machine that adjust the duration and intensity of the light to suit different purposes. This produces better results for what you are trying to accomplish. For example, Hair Removal is a different setting than when having a Photofacial or Skin Rejuvenation.

Benefits of removing Underarm Hair
To go back to the sunlight example, and link it to the settings description just above, let's talk about IPL underarm hair removal: The light from the "IPL Wand" is attracted to the melanin in your dark hair, rather than your lighter skin. The light travels down the shaft of your hair and stops at the bulb, or root of that hair follicle. Similar to the sunlight, the light energy builds up into heat energy, and eliminates the bulb of that hair follicle.

Of course we don't do this one hair at a time! But can you see the idea behind what is happening on a larger scale?

An interesting thing about body hair..It seems that at any given time, only about 20% of your hairs are "active" and growing. IPL works best on those active hairs. You will need to come in for about 4 - 6 sessions, each about 3 - 6 weeks apart so we can "catch" your hairs while they are in an active phase and get you the best results!

The same regime applies when you have uneven pigmentation, sunspots, freckles, etc. The setting on the machine may be changed to target your skin differently. The light is drawn to the darker pigmentation, rather than the lighter skin surrounding it. The light energy gets absorbed into the pigment, heats and then eliminates those pigmented cells. Your body then carries away those cells, replaces them with cells that provide a nice, even and smooth complexion. Amazing results have been had treating pigmentation after just 1 session.

Whether you come to me or someone else, there are 2 big reasons why you want be sure to see someone that is properly trained in IPL and understands how it works and affects the body.
First, since more than one course is usually needed,  the more the clinician understands you, your body, and how IPL is going to affect it, the more effective your treatment is going to be saving you time and money.
Second, and most important, is to keep you healthy and safe. This is your skin after all!

I am an active, Registered Nurse with global training and experience. I have worked in Emergency Departments, Burn Wards, and ICU (Intensive Care Units) in the USA, England, and of course here in Perth! I have lectured in Uni, and taught Critical Care courses to the next generation of nurses working in ICUs. When you come to my clinic for IPL, just relax...you're in good hands!

Please call and book a free consultation and patch test!

Refresh Face and Skin Rejuvenation
12/781 Canning Highway
Applecross, WA 6153
Phone: 08 9468 7213

Opening Hours:
Monday Closed
Sunday Closed